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I remember the other day, how I used to draw/design rooms. I specifically remember designing my dream home when I was about 8-10 years old. It was a one room space, with an indoor swimming pool, bean bag chairs and a bed that was the size of a living room. I remember thinking it would be the coolest place to live, ever. Now, there was no bathroom or kitchen, so it wasn’t really that practical, but from the imagination of a child it was spectacular.
Fast forward about 5 years, when I had my own bedroom. Up until that time I had always shared a room with my sister (well not always, but on and off throughout my childhood, depending on where we were living). I remember creating my own bedroom Christmas décor, as I felt that my own space needed some Christmas accents. Now, remember, I was just 14 or 15 years old, so there wasn’t a décor budget for my room. So, like any creative youngster, I got out my crafting supplies and made my own. My first tree consisted of a branch that I stuck into a square piece of Styrofoam. This base wasn’t very stable, so the decorations had to be lightweight. I ended up using typewriter paper (yes, I’m that old…LOL) and drawing some Christmassy images, like Santa, a candy cane, and a tree, etc). These drawings were then cut out, and I then strung on thread, and added to my branch… I mean tree… It wasn’t fancy, but it gave me a sense that Christmas lived here, in my own space.
The moral of this tale is that it never really matters how you decorate for Christmas. There are always going to be varying styles, budgets, and tastes. What really matters is how what you implement makes you feel. If it feels like Christmas, you nailed it!
This one is kind of the idea, but mine was just shoved in a styrofoam block, but to me it was beautiful. Photo credit: